Thought Leadership Threads
Frank Rotman
@fintechjunkieAfter years of sitting on the sidelines, I finally decided to take the red pill.
“Week 2” put me on the steepest part of any learning curve I’ve experienced in decades.
Here are a few of my simplified observations, early conclusions and emerging frameworks:
Frank Rotman
@fintechjunkieLast week I took the red pill.
Here are a few of my “week 1 observations” from my early steps into the land of crypto/web3. 🧵👇
Frank Rotman
@fintechjunkieGuess who launched another innovative #fintech product targeted at better serving the #startup community? @GetCapchase!
Guess who didn’t? Traditional Banks.
A few thoughts on their new product launch and why Banks continue to lag the #fintech innovators:
Frank Rotman
@fintechjunkieTrue wisdom comes in many forms and I’ve found that one of the most underrated sources of wisdom is children’s books. The best are pure, simple and true.
What follows are personal learnings based on quotes from one of the greatest prophets of all time --- A. A. Milne
Frank Rotman
@fintechjunkieAs a Founder, one of the most important things you do every day is allocate people and capital because they don’t allocate themselves.🤯
Becoming a world class allocator can kink the curve on outcomes so building this skill matters…..a lot!
A few thoughts: 🧵👇
Frank Rotman
@fintechjunkieAre you responsible for leading a stressed-out and overworked team?
Do you want to become a better Leader and create some breathing room? 🧵👇
Frank Rotman
@fintechjunkieSix questions you should ask yourself about yourself if you want to accomplish great things in life. 🧵👇
Frank Rotman
@fintechjunkieSix questions you should ask yourself about yourself if you want to accomplish great things in life. 🧵👇
Frank Rotman
@fintechjunkieI posted a tweet that generated a slew of DMs asking me to share specific details.
Wish granted:👇🧵