Canine Executive Officer
Monty Morris
Monty is a pillar of the Alexandria community. He keenly patrols the garden and has a unique ability to sense where all the local squirrels and birds might be lurking. When not liaising with the community, Monty can be found relaxing by a fire and keeping his people company. I have rarely met such a loyal creature. Nigel Morris
Monty Morris is the Canine Executive Officer at QED. Though now residing in Alexandria Virginia, similar to his Welsh descendants, Monty takes great pride in patrolling his community to keep the squirrels, birds, and other wildlife at bay. Along with patrolling, he is responsible for monitoring the coming and goings of the QEDians who happen to reside in his residency. In addition to strict oversight responsibilities , he also manages mealtimes, playtimes, and nap times. Monty is a business school drop out in pursuit of more enriching opportunity.
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