Daniel Titcomb, CEO
San Francisco, Calif.
QED Investment:
QED Champions:

Provide's mission is to create financial products that make starting and running a healthcare practice easier. Provide's offerings include practice lending, business bank accounts, and insurance. The company was founded in 2013 by Daniel Titcomb and James Bachmeier III, who were both raised by small business owners and felt they could make it simpler for healthcare practitioners to become successful business owners.
The future of financial services lies in bringing customized best-in-breed products to specific groups of people who need them. That's exactly what Provide is doing for independent healthcare providers. It simply doesn't make sense to put healthcare practice leaders, shop owners and every other small business in the same category. We're excited to work with Provide as the company finds new ways to serve customers by expanding its offerings, adding bank partnerships, and continuing to originate some of the safest loans in fintech.
Frank Rotman
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