Proper is building the most advanced automated accounting solution designed specifically for the real estate industry. Proper provides expert accounting and bookkeeping services to property managers, asset managers, and anyone in the world of property. Using automation to superpower a team of Fortune 500-qualified financial specialists, Proper delivers more efficient, cost-effective, and scalable accounting and bookkeeping services for property.
We at QED are always on the lookout for companies that can improve the overall efficiency of the economy at large, and Proper is doing precisely that by removing a tedious back office task and allowing property managers to focus on scaling their businesses. Proper is creating the most comprehensive accounting and bookkeeping solution for the real estate industry, and I’m confident that their approach to combining automated software and hands-on, expert service will position Proper as the category leader. QED is an ideal partner given our track record of over 150 investments that empower entrepreneurs to scale their business while focusing on the things about which they’re most passionate.
Matt Risley
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